Some days are made for laundry, some for movies and others for adventures and exploring. When I was a kid those days meant finding the nearest creek and playing in it for hours, building a fort in the woods and keeping the boys out while playing barbies in our “castle” made of sheets, tree limbs and filled with leaves, peanut butter sandwiches and juice boxes. Now that I am older these adventure days start with a full tank of gas, camera at hand, either an energy drink or large coffee at my side and super stylish sunglasses (of course). On Saturday my mother and I took a trip out to White Plains, Ga. to visit an old friend of my mom’s, Diane and J.J., and take her a dog, Shadow, that found his way into mine and my roommates’ life but unfortunately we couldn’t keep. Diane and J.J. were thrilled to add a new member to their family as my mom and I thoroughly enjoyed the one hour drive out there into the middle of absolutely nowhere. I get so caught up in the city life that sometimes I forget to enjoy the simpler joys of life, the land of no lights, fireflies at night, music as loud as you want (because no neighbors are around to hear it) and lots of lemonade to sip on. As we embarked on this journey we thought we would not really enjoy the ride of nothingness until we stumbled upon a sign on the road that stated, “Historic Covered Bridge, Next Right,” this threw my mother and I into a hysterical frenzy because we absolutely love those kinds of things. As we pulled up to the bridge I became so giddy, like an eight year old school girl who has a crush on the cute boy in class. After being honked at by a car to move my butt out of the way these are some shots I came up with: As we passed through pastures, dairy farms, small towns and tiny churches I kept telling my mom I had to stop on the way home to take a picture of all this stuff. Unfortunately we never had that opportunity because we ended up staying at Diane and J.J.’s until it was dark out. I promised myself though that I am going to go back and get the amazing shots I have mapped out in my head.
While at Diane and J.J.’s we had a fabulous time catching up, laughing at my bad jokes, eating delicious BBQ and my all-time favorite activity of shooting guns! That’s right, I can shoot and pretty darn good at that. Here is a gallery of photos I took of my mother and ones she shot of me as well:
![]() Cats are all over the internet, why you ask, because they are hilarious. Yes, I am going to be one of THOSE people that will write an entire blog post dedicated to the hilarity of my cat. I have had my furball for about 16 years. He is very old but the vet says very healthy, considering he is made up of twenty three pounds of cuddly, jiggly and fatty fluff. He used to be an outdoor cat, able to run about the yard (and neighborhood) terrorizing the birds, butterflies and grasshoppers that dared to enter his territory. He became an indoor car when I moved to college; he was packed up, memories and all and moved an hour away to “Dawg Country,” but this did not phase him one bit. It was about a year later that I noticed he started longingly staring at the back porch door while making his big green eyes look larger and more sad than they already were. I started letting Peanut, his name, outside onto my second floor balcony and would watch as he poked his head out as far as he could get it to fit (his body wouldn’t fit due to his large lard of a body) and stare at the birds, the grass, the people walking by. If he could talk I knew that he would be cursing my way for not letting him roam free. Tonight, I caught him out by the railing of my new townhouse, second floor as well, looking just as sad as he had for years. He probably thinks he will never roll in grass again; he definitely plots his revenge on me while I am sleeping. As I laughed in his sympathy I started singing to myself (is out loud still considered to yourself?) a remixed version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow and here it goes… Somewhereeeeeeeee over the railing, And there you have it, my remix made for my cat. All rights reserved to Peanut, the fat cat (as my roommate calls him). Goodnight and sleep safe, a cat near you could be plotting their revenge as all. ![]() The sun rises over the building tops on this crisp Wednesday morning – pause, sounds like a pretty good morning right? You’re wrong, at least I would have told you that you were wrong until my mother pulled me out of my warm, cuddly bed at the crack of dawn to start the hunt in this fierce world for a job. She bribed me this morning with the sweet words of Chick-fil-a, as soon as she mentioned it I was up, out of bed and dressed. As we headed to the glorious land of chicken biscuits I pondered the thought of, “Wouldn’t it be nice if I could have an actual breakfast with my chicken biscuit?” Hallelujah the heavens opened up and she brought me to the Dwarf House! Did you know that the Chick-fil-a Dwarf Houses have a sit down restaurant equipped with a full menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner? This was a major breakthrough for me- new favorite breakfast spot and did I mention they have FREE WIFI! My breakfast included a chicken biscuit, two eggs, grits, crisp and refreshing orange juice with a side of hunky man meat as our service. This made for a great morning! This bring me to where I am now, writing this post while sipping on my vitamins (OJ) and announcing a new website design and an updated portfolio. Be sure to check out the new website and leave some feedback on what you think. I can’t wait for what the future holds!
AuthorKatie Coon Archives
January 2020